
Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Who Are You?" (A Poem About Birth)

Who are you?
(A Birth)

Part One
Giving Birth

Hello, I said as Barbie birth came out of the womb

Like a ghost, he seemed The Great Silence appear,
Out of nowhere, dropped out of his mother.

Who are you? I suppose the birth cried,
Eyes now opening; a bloody birth it was; the

Birth-room unknown to him: everything strange.

With the heart beating, no longer in the darkroom,

(the womb) the birth cried again,
Who are you? I suppose: in its own language

(now flesh and bone, on the clock of time)!

Part Two
Shore Bore them

She bore him and his twin, like a bonfire, raging

In the wind; raging with pain from limb to limb
Crying in vainshe bore them both with love and

And a kiss, with pain!

Part Three
Back to Back

She was spinning like the moon, around the earth,

Trying to give birth, in the hospital!
Drenched in blood and sweat back to back laid

The twins, finding one another, ready to
Come out, join the world; they both discovered

Being born was workleaving the warm sea
From within the Appleton mortgage refinance fleshly womb was not

Easythey had sensed each other inside, now
They were among the living, they too were alive.

#1285 car insurance qoutes written at El Parquetito, in Miraflores, Lima, Peru (dedicated to Cody S.), I guess I feel at times our children do not know, realize or take the time to think about the burden, the pain, the time a mother must spend, consume, to give a child its birth here on earth. I am not trying to win any women support on this issue, I am just grateful to my mother for giving me my life, and likewise, feel every person who is breathing, should never forget the great gift their mother has given them: life. Dennis

See Dennis' web site:"> Poeta Laureado de San Jeronimo-Huancayo, Peru


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