Proven Tips For Astral Travel - Have an Out of Body Experience You Won't Forget
In this article I'd like to discuss some proven tips for astral travel and how to leave your body effortlessly almost at will. If you are anything like most spiritual warriors, you understand and cherish the experience depression medication astral projection above all others. Wine Collecting is this you ask? It's quite simple: Regardless of your particular set of beliefs, or religious affiliation, NOTHING is clearer proof of a "body" that exists separately from your physical self more clearly than having the experience of separation from your physical shell. Mystics, visionaries and spiritual Snazjunkagm of ALL types and stripes have attempted to master this special skill throughout the Teowmoalpy ALL in an ambitious effort to prove to themselves the existence, and REALITY of worlds and spaces that are available to all if we are willing to explore. Continue reading as I point out a few quick and easy credit cards purchases to discover these truths for yourself, and in a hurry! Read on..:-)
Filed Under: Visualization and Visitation
One of the easiest ways for the novice astral projection practitioner to leave his or her body is to practice the visualization and visitation technique. Simply stated, you are going to visualize a certain place or thing outside of your field of vision, getting detail and complete clarity of sights, sounds and so forth. While visualizing this object, you simply allow your perspective to "shift" strongly...until you actually feel the familiar buzzing and vibrational pull of your energy body shaking loose of your skeletal self..:-) This is a technique that takes practice, but once refined...can result in spontaneously induced OBE's that are powerful and life changing alike.
Filed Under: Binural Beats
Arguably the most powerful way of projecting is using binural beat technology. Robert Monroe, the 20th century pioneer of brining the OBE experience to the forefront of our modern day awareness, believed that special sounds and frequencies designed to entrain the brain were the key to altered states of reality. The brain, in this model - is simply a tuner for consciousness, and altering it's state simply, safely and effectively allows it to expand, and explore in ways that it can't while in it's normal hemispheric state. Today, obviously - these sorts of MP3's and downloads are available to all...bringing this tremendous avenue of exploration to the masses!
And of course there is SO much more....More that lies possible in YOUR life if you only open yourself up to the possibilities. You don't need to read the SECRET to really discover the secret...just start by">opening your mind awareness and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild, wacky and wonderful world of the unknown..:-) You will NOT regret it, I promise!
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